by Steve Hall, Florence
Bitterroot Star, May 28, 2024
My following of political candidates has brought Wayne Rusk to my door in the previous state election and again this year as he is challenging Theresa Manzella for the state senate seat.
I have found Mr. Rusk to be an attentive listener and one to bring forth intelligent thoughts and willing to look for practical ideas for the betterment of our Great State of Montana.
Although Wayne’s ideas will not be agreed upon by all our voting community, his civil and pleasant nature have placed him head and shoulders above his competitor.
In visiting with Ms. Theresa Manzella, I have repeatedly found that disagreeing with her brings her to ongoing rude and disparaging remarks as she tries to shove her ideas down my throat, becoming increasingly insulting as the conversation moves along. I have let her know via text messages exactly what my impression of her behavior is.
More than a decade ago Wayne had legal issues, and bringing those up to date, Wayne has been an exemplary person in all aspects of his life and has proven himself a true statesman. Theresa has attempted to exploit these age-old problems, so I only feel it appropriate to ask questions of her and HER jaded past.
Theresa, please answer some easy questions:
1) You have been accused of animal cruelty to your horse/horses by valley residents. Would you explain each event as best you can?
2) Would you explain your patronage, and any ownership and or patronage your family may have had with the Rocky Knob Bar?
3) Did you kill a horse outside of Darby as it blew apart on the highway unrestrained in the trailer? Were you drinking that day, and if so, where and how much?
4) Would you explain your version of the incident?
a) Some rumors are that you had tied the horse to the trailer to give it water and became intoxicated while showing off the horse, driving off and dragging the horse to its painful and bloody demise.
b) Others say that you neglected to secure the trailer door and the horse fell out of the trailer, blowing it apart into a bloody mass.
c) I have also heard that the trailer door latch was faulty and your neglectful action of not tying the horse securely and tying the door closed on the trailer allowed it to fall to the bloody death previously described.
Theresa – simply answering these few questions honestly might get some of the “pigs out of the creek.”
Read the article here.
by Christine O’Connor, Stevensville
Bitterroot Star, May 29, 2024
Believe people when they show you who they are. Double down when they tell you in their own unscripted words. Then, compare their behavior to the Kindergarten Credo. This is not kid stuff. The Credo is the basic rules of life, taught to us when we first arrived in school. The Kindergarten Credo is the list of fundamentals on which civilization rests.
On Friday, May 3rd, Theresa Manzella was the invited guest speaker at the North Pachyderm meeting. Pachyderm Clubs are the educational arm of the Republican Party. People attend to listen, learn and discuss issues involving their community.
But, on that Friday, Ms. Manzella played Show and Tell while abusing five of the most fundamental rules on which civilization rests. It was exhausting to watch Ms. Manzella cause her very own, really bad day.
Ms. Manzella arrived early to set up her tripod and iPhone camera— without asking first. The Vice president, Tony Hudson, approached her to share information about club policy. Pachyderm doesn’t allow videotaping. Tony attempted a shared conversation with Theresa about the club’s rules and reasons. Theresa refused. (1st basic rule: SHARE EVERYTHING.). Instead, she hit back with: “I have a right to protect myself!” (2nd basic rule: DON’T HIT PEOPLE.) Tony turned and walked to the front of the room. Theresa followed.
Tony faced the group and attempted to explain the situation. “There are serious concerns about how a videotape would be used and possibly edited once it left the room.” Murmurs flowed throughout the group. Theresa blurted out: “I won’t speak!” (3rd basic rule: PLAY FAIR.) The level of concern audibly rose as Tony tried to explain: “checking bylaws during an hour-long meeting isn’t feasible.”
Meanwhile, a woman in the back of the room, motioned Theresa to her table. “Theresa, please just speak.” Theresa straightened up and said: “No! I have to stand on my principles.” What principles, as PLAY FAIR was abused again.
Theresa was the only scheduled speaker. She made a commitment to the club when she agreed to speak. Theresa returned to the front and faced the group with a lip-twitching, closed mouth grin. Her body language twittered with barely controlled excitement, as she watched the growing agitation. Theresa was clearly enjoying herself.
A man stood up and called the club communists for suppressing free speech. Others were calling for a vote. The Chaplain got to his feet and asked for a prayer. His action reminded everyone that the meeting hadn’t even officially begun. Tony called the meeting to order. The Chaplain recited a prayer which included an appeal for civility. We continued to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance as the room slowly returned to business as usual.
Theresa made her next move. It was a stunning hit against everyone in the room. “I won’t speak without videotaping. I have to protect myself from the slander and lies coming from inside this club!” Business as usual melted in the heat of angry surprise. The entire club was insulted. The lip-twitching, closed mouth grin was back. Her body twittering jumped to high. Theresa was charged up and charged again with: DON’T HIT PEOPLE.
Some people urgently called for a vote. Others disagreed because only members were allowed to vote. Theresa, with her grin in place, continued to enjoy herself. Eventually, Tony settled the room and called for a show of hands from members. They were counted. Then, the members were asked to vote for videotaping with another show of hands. Theresa lost.
Did Theresa accept the vote outcome? Did she decide to speak? No. But, she did follow one important basic rule from the list. Theresa washed her hands. She washed her hands of the responsibility to speak. She washed her hands of squandering people’s time. She washed her hands of the opportunity to promote herself as the best candidate for State Senate, District #44.
Theresa walked to the back of the room. She picked up her toys: the tripod and her iPhone. Then, she dismissed her manners. Theresa did not apologize. (4th basic rule: SAY YOU’RE SORRY.) She didn’t attempt any housekeeping. (5th basic rule: CLEAN UP YOUR OWN MESS.) On this, her very own, really bad day of poor behavior, demands and insults, Theresa made a choice. She walked out. A small group of followers trailed behind her.
In the stunned silence of the room, Theresa left behind a bit of wonder.
Thought bubbles surely were popping up.
(I wonder how she behaves in the Senate when people disagree with her?)
(Maybe wonderfully warm cookies would help her attitude?)
(It’s a wonder! That woman is running for reelection?!)
(I wonder if she needs a nap?)
I wonder if Theresa Manzella will have extra time on her hands after June 4th? I hope so. She deserves a gift of time to read a very important book:
Read the article here.
by Nathan Rusk, Corvallis
Bitterroot Star, May 29, 2024
My name is Nathan Rusk, I am writing today to address the lies that have been spread about my father Wayne in the height of his race against Theresa Manzella for SD44. Aside from obviously being supportive of my dad in his venture to represent the north valley, I have mostly viewed this race from a distance. But Manzella has now personally affected me as well as my family and friends in the wake of her hateful campaigning. This comes in the form of a defaming mailer that was delivered to the home of my best friend of over 8 years. (who by the way does not live within SD44). As I’m sure most of you know, this mailer; (paid for by Bob Kubiak) calls out events of my family’s past from almost 11 years ago; most of which are either complete lies, or misconstrued and misinterpreted facts; and attached is a supportive ad for Senator Manzella. And it leads me to ask; does Manzella and company seriously believe that by strategically sending this mailer to my best friend’s family (as well as other out of district homes), it’s going to encourage them to turn against the good man my dad has already proved himself to be? I think not. This a pitiful, last ditch attempt to win this race. This is how his opponent and a select number of her followers choose to present themselves.
Also, Mr Kubiak seems to have an unhealthy obsession with my father, to the point where his life’s mission is to assassinate his good character. He has allowed Wayne to have such an impact on him that he went out and pulled lies out of thin air and presented them to the valley out of his own pocket. Seems a bit over the top doesn’t it? He claims to be a devout christian while committing some of the most unchristian acts I have ever witnessed. I would also like to say for the record that my sister and I received one of the greatest childhoods anyone could ever ask for, and I credit it all to the two incredible people that I have the pleasure to call Mom and Dad.
To the undecided voters of SD44 and beyond, I urge you to look beyond the hate and misinformation that is being spread by my father’s opponent and a portion of her followers, and I can guarantee that your decision will become crystal clear. As well as having sound politics, my father lives his life with the utmost respect for others, thoughtfulness in his actions, and thankfulness for every opportunity that has been presented to him. These are all traits which we desperately need in our elected officials; and these are all traits Manzella appears to have lost in her extreme agendas; both politically and personally.
Finally to you Senator Manzella, this campaign has shown that your politics are not sound and will not win you this race. Allowing Kubiak to attach himself and his mailer to your campaign is your biggest blunder yet. And the voters of this valley are already seeing that. And their decision on June 4th will reflect that.
Read the article here.
by Helen Sabin, Corvallis
Bitterroot Star, May 29, 2024
Theresa Manzella is “in a pickle.” She is so desperate to win the SD44 seat that she resorts to:
1. Telling BIG fibs about other legislators and their bills such as HB 402, even when they are explained to her, and she…
2. Claims to be a constitutional conservative and yet tells the committee members in the legislature that we should use “nullification” against the federal government and laws even knowing that Scotus has ruled it “defiance against the Constitution” and it is illegal. NO FEDERAL JUDGE will recognize it.
3. She must have a “cheering squad” of gaslighted men and women who ALWAYS follow her around like “baby ducks do their momma,” and to give her support as she is NOT a confident woman and doesn’t seem able to read and comprehend legislative bills such as HB402, and she….
4. “Writes bills that are so unconstitutional and dangerous that one of the men on the Judiciary committee asked her, WON’T THIS CAUSE CIVIL WAR?
She cannot deny any of these as #1 and 3 are stated every time she is the “featured speaker for a group,” in the mailings that she sent out, and #2 and 4 are on the state legislative website where all citizens of the state can go listen and sometimes watch her fumbling explanations about bills she presents. Her answer to most of the questions posed on BILL 434 by committee members was, “I DON’T KNOW!”
Just go to and click on the blue button – look up your legislator – scroll about halfway down the page and click on “list of legislators” and then when pages flip, type in her name in the box right above legislators’ names. Like a jack in the box, her picture pops up, and you can see all the bills that she wrote this past 2023 or any other session to which she has been elected.
In 2023, TWELVE of her seventeen bills failed (Thank you, God!). That was due to legislators, who through divine guidance and working with this female through five sessions, have learned that Theresa is a far-right extremist, and they watch the bills she writes with an eagle’s eye.
They ask piercing questions and demand answers to their questions, including their constitutionality, that Manzella fumbles her explanations of what is in her bills, or can’t answer their questions and has no idea as to what the bills will cost, if they are constitutional, or will cause a civil war. (I agree with this final question asked of her in a committee hearing! Read the bill and see if you agree. See below!)
Scroll down to bill 434. Please read Manzella’s entire bill to get the full impact and importance of what this autocratic female and her desperate desire for power and control implies for us as citizens, our children, people of Montana and the USA in the future if she gets re-elected for Sd44.
IF you do NOT read this bill, and you vote for TM, you may experience tyranny that citizens in Cuba, North Korea, and China experience every day of their lives. Hint: You will not like it. Please take time to read this bill 434 before you vote. Our future depends on YOUR willingness to learn who should NOT be in the state legislature. Thank you for being true patriots.
Read the article here.
by David Bedey (R-Hamilton), Representative, House District 86
Ravalli Republic, May 25, 2024
In late April, Republican legislative candidates received a letter from the Ravalli County Republican Central Committee (RCRCC) asking that each swear to a bastardized version of the oath of office prescribed in Article III of the Montana Constitution. Inserted into the oath alongside supporting, protecting, and defending the U.S. and Montana Constitutions was a requirement to do the same for the Montana GOP Platform. Michele Binkley, Greg Overstreet, Wayne Rusk, and I declined to respond to this demand, while other candidates — Theresa Manzella, Kathy Love, Kim Dailey, Robert Wallace, and Ron Marshall — apparently complied with the party’s diktat. Consequently, the RCRCC is dishonestly claiming that the dissenters refuse to support the Constitution.
I will never swear to the RCRCC’s loyalty oath. Here’s why:
First, it is an act of political blasphemy to place any party platform on the same plane as the Constitution. It is remarkable that self-described “constitutional conservatives” would think this is OK.
Second, the Montana GOP Platform is far from being a perfect document. Most troubling is its unconstitutional demand that legislators nullify federal law with which they disagree. One cannot in good faith swear to both the U.S. Constitution and the Montana GOP Platform.
Third, I along with the other dissenters have already sworn the Article III oath of office in our capacities as legislators or local officials and are bound by it. This is a matter of the record that need not be reaffirmed by kowtowing to the RCRCC. And on a personal note, I have been bound by an oath to the Constitution during 50 continuous years of military and subsequent public service and look with disdain upon this group of radicals who call into question my service to our country.
Candidates who have never taken an oath of office might be forgiven for being ignorant of the significance of oath taking. But for the incumbent legislators who signed on to the RCRCC loyalty oath, there is no excuse. They have put crass political opportunism ahead of their duty and in doing so have demeaned themselves and the offices to which they were elected.
As I reported to you several months ago, the Ravalli County “Republican” Central Committee is no longer recognizable as a standard bearer for conservatism much less the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Instead, it’s a hangout for John Birch Society activists and wannabe militia members.
I won’t have it. Neither should you. It’s time to elect Republicans who take their oath of office seriously, who put loyalty to the Constitution above loyalty to party, and who hold to conservative principles while working to solve challenges facing all Montana citizens.
Read the article here.
by Melva Neal, Stevensville
Bitterroot Star, May 22, 2024
Those who want power and control over the politics of the valley are stopping at NOTHING to win the current elections including targeting children with their vile mailings.
Bob Kubiak, a man who follows Manzella almost slavishly, sent out a vile mailer to a friend of Wayne Rusk’s youngest son allowing the younger Rusk to be embarrassed at school for something his father did about fifteen years ago.
Even though Rusk Sr. has publicly admitted to a tough time in his life, dealt with his problem, and apologized to his family, his God, and the community,, and is a model citizen and successful business owner, Kubiak used it to try and make citizens of the Bitterroot vote for Manzella, of whose campaign he is obviously a part of.
An older man picking on a young teenager to imply “YOUR DAD IS A PIECE OF CRAP” is beyond the pale!
Both Manzella and Kubiak should answer to the citizens of the valley for this type of activity and Bitterrooters should vote for Wayne Rusk for SD44 instead of Manzella and express their displeasure for such a heinous act.
Rusk has NEVER criticized Manzella at any time in his campaign in all the times I have heard him speak and he said that he will never do so.
He instead focused on what he wants to do for the valley by reducing taxes, strengthening personal property rights, dealing with those who block streets and roads to express their opinions and stopping illegals who due to a glitch in the federal law are allowed to vote in our federal elections.
The contrast between them demonstrates what a negative person Manzella and her followers are and why she should no longer represent citizens in SD44.
So how do you find out if Manzella’s claim about being a conservative and constitutionalist are true? Look at the bills she writes that clearly show what her intentions are if she is elected again. One of them, Senate Bill or SB434, is one that will shock you to the core.
Here are a few statements from the bill that show her intention: to crush the Constitution and put a few people in charge of the country: Guess who the one from Montana is to be on this committee? Note how she totally ignores the Constitution and denigrates it!
1. The states declare that only the states may ultimately and properly define the nature and scope of the power intended to be and delegated to the government of the United States by the states in the United States constitution.
2. The commission may consider any sources of information it wishes, including the wording of the constitution of the United States, the writings and speeches of the founders and others in the founding era, the enactments or recorded debates of congress or state legislatures, the opinions of any United States or state courts, arguments made by proponents or opponents to any question submitted, or any other source. No opinion of the government of the United States, including its courts, or of any state or state court is binding upon the commission.
3. A decision rendered by the commission is final and may not be amended or overturned by any agent or branch of any state, any agency or branch of the United States, or by any other nation or organization of nations.
Read enough? Also consider how unproductive Manzella has been for the valley as she failed to pass twelve bills out of seventeen in 2023. That is about a 67% failure rate!! Most of those 12 bills were shot down as “unconstitutional.”
Manzella has her priorities mixed up. She has forgotten that she works for us, not the other way around. Let’s send a true Constitutionalist, Wayne Rusk, to be our senator for SD44 and send Manzella home.
Read the article here.
by Nancy Jennings, Florence
Bitterroot Star, May 22, 2024
Stopping in the Stevensville P.O. earlier this week, I noticed a multi-page flyer regarding Wayne Rusk, state senate candidate, in the junk mail bin. Someone placed it there appropriately as the content was extremely ugly and in poor taste. I have to believe that his opponent, Theresa Manzella, was totally aware of this flyer being distributed. She claims to be a Christian but what kind of follower of Christ would allow this?
Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults – unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s the whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor. Matthew 7:1-5
Please think twice – is Theresa Manzella the type of person that you want to represent you? She needs to look in the mirror as she is anything but perfect.
Peel back the layers of the onion and seek the truth in this primary election.
Read the article here.
by Christine O’Connor, Stevensville
Bitterroot Star, May 22, 2024
Running for office, choosing your candidate and serving in the State Legislature have something basic in common. They all involve taking a risk. It’s a risk to step out in public and run for office. It involves long, hard hours. Campaigning means time away from family and work. Don’t discount the effect of slings and arrows from public opinion. The candidate and family pay a high price for the chance to serve.
Voters take a risk when they choose their candidate. People read, research and listen to speeches. Signs asking for votes are everywhere. How can a voter choose with confidence? Well, believe the candidate when they show you who they are. Is the candidate concerned about issues while offering logic and a plan to move forward? Or, is the candidate mucking out stalls for straw votes? Straw votes come from public opinion. Mucking and raking opinion to sling at an opponent is a risk that involves getting down and dirty. It’s also hard work. What happens to issues and concerns from voters? Does the focus on voters’ needs wane in the excitement of mucking for opinion?
Consider Wayne Rusk. He speaks about issues and goals. He also speaks from experience. When Wayne first arrived in the State Legislature, he described it as being “dropped in a washing machine on agitate!” But, he loved it. And he wants to go back for more. As a newcomer, Wayne was given two older and seasoned roommates in Helena. He fondly says it was “like having two Dads.” They answered his questions and gave good advice. In the morning, they would eat oatmeal together before heading to their seats in the House.
Wayne’s interest in government continues to grow. He votes according to the Constitution and his constituents’ needs. Wayne knows their concerns because he makes the time to respond to his constituents’ questions.
Can you picture and feel the difference a State Senator Wayne would be?
On or before June 4th, please vote for the never-waning, no-risk Wayne Rusk.
Read the article here.
Helen Sabin, Corvallis
Ravalli Republic, May 16, 2024
In recent days, Wayne Rusk, a committed conservative candidate for State Senator SD44 seat, has faced a negative mailer campaign funded by a supporter of his opponent, Theresa Manzella. The man behind the mailer, Bob Kubiak, has targeted not only Rusk and the citizens of Victor, but also Rusk's children and their friends, by mailing the flyer that he cut and pasted about Rusk's past life to them embarrassing the children over events that happened more than 10 years ago. Kubiak displayed a despicable lack of decency by targeting children who can do nothing about man's vile behavior. It seems that Kubiak is a member of the John Birch contingency who are overstepping boundaries of decent behavior in this valley. Join me in voting for RUSK for SD44, who will protect children and not allow them to be targeted for political purposes. Rusk will protect the kids and the citizens of the valley, and write superb legislation to help keep them safe and secure in their home and communities, and most important, he will make Bitterrooters proud they elected him. Rusk has committed his life to the Heavenly Father that has blessed him and he will not fail in passing the blessings to the community by being the best legislator they could ever hope for.
Read the article here.
by Tony Hudson, Stevensville
Bitterroot Star, May 15, 2024
Theresa Manzella, candidate for reelection in Senate District 44, loudly proclaims “Voting Records Matter.” Fair enough. So do ethics. But when it comes to ethical behavior, she consistently falls short.
Manzella’s boast of being a “Christian, constitutional conservative” is contradicted by the sleazy attacks on her political opponents she orchestrates on social media; her embrace of the John Birch Society’s unconstitutional hobbyhorse, nullification of federal law; and her totalitarian demand—which she makes as the de facto head of the Ravalli County “Republican” Central Committee—that Republican legislators (and candidates) swear an unqualified loyalty oath to the Montana GOP Platform, which is an affront to America’s Founders.
And don’t forget that last legislative session a bill (HB 412) had to be passed to plug a loophole in Montana ethics laws that Manzella willfully exploited during the 2022 campaign season.
During the current primary campaign, Manzella is at it again. Case in point is her attack on Wayne Rusk and other legislators for their support of HB 402, a bill that would have required verification of citizenship for those registering to vote. She claims that the motive of the bill’s supporters was to allow noncitizens to vote. This is dishonest nonsense.
Manzella neglects to share with you the following facts:
First, per federal law all a person need do to prove citizenship when registering to vote is sign a registration form—henceforth in the eyes of the law that person must be treated as a U.S. citizen until proven otherwise, and until then must be allowed to vote without any interference.
Second, efforts by other states, e.g., Kansas and Arizona, to require citizenship verification for federal elections have been struck down on constitutional grounds (the Supremacy Clause and the 14th Amendment). Consequently, some unknown number of noncitizens are voting in Montana’s elections and elsewhere across the country.
And third, HB 402 was carefully drafted to overcome the courts’ constitutional objections, so that noncitizens voting in our elections might be caught and punished—and others might be deterred from trying to do so.
HB 402 was supported by a few Democrats and many Republicans but in the end went down to defeat on the last day of the legislative session. So today we are back to where we started—no citizenship verification in Montana and as a result some unknown number of noncitizens continue to vote with near impunity in our elections. Manzella and her crew have offered no solution to this problem. Instead, they have chosen to mislead you. Maybe that’s because telling the truth stands in the way of their political aspirations.
Read the article here.
by Helen Sabin, Corvallis
Bitterroot Star, May 14, 2024
First, Michele Binkley is highly respected in the legislature by both sides as well as the leadership in Helena because she uses common sense and does a lot of research when she votes on a bill. In addition, she has been given many assignments from the leadership that has earned her the title of a “go to” legislator that enables her to speak with both sides about many issues. She is also an independent candidate from the standpoint that she will NOT vote for a bill just because it is for the GOP, a faction, or to “make nice” with others. She states firmly that she will ONLY vote for “her people” as she calls us, if the bill is good for us. She is a strong supporter of the Military, and her two sons were Marines! OOrah!
Wayne Rusk and David Bedey are the same type of quality candidates. They are strong defenders of the Military, the Montana and U.S. Constitutions, and especially the Second Amendment and Article V. Rusk’s knowledge of the Constitution allows him to determine the constitutionality of proposed legislation, saving research time.
Bedey’s ability to write bills compliments Rusk’s knowledge. Both men, like Michele, HD85, vote for what’s right for their constituents in SD44 and HD86. Both also fare well when working with both sides as their demeanor is calm, both listen carefully, and they are NOT confrontational like Manzella is known to be.
Kathy Love is much calmer than Manzella, but she cannot match the experience, knowledge, and working relationships that are the tools that make Binkley so effective. Her business as a firearms instructor is only marginally relative to the many issues that would confront her as a legislator. She does not understand the fundamentals of a bill even when it is explained to her. She is a follower rather than a leader like Binkley, Bedey, and Rusk.
Theresa Manzella unfortunately is not the woman people think she is based on her behavior during this election season. She cannot tolerate being criticized and becomes pugnacious when anyone questions her actions. One time when I asked her a simple question, “Have you read the bills that form the basis for House Bill 402,” she became agitated and raised her voice at me. Both women seem to be obsessed with Bedey’s Bill 402, but you decide for yourselves. Go to and click on LOOK AT BILLS. Click on HB and type in 402.
Online, you can read for yourselves the National Voting Rights and Registration Acts, and the Help America Vote Act to see that Bedey did his homework when he wrote his bill about which Manzella and Love constantly state half truths to denigrate and demean both the bill and Bedey.
Bedey is a superb bill writer as opposed to Manzella who is NOT, and she seems to dislike him for that ability. He presented 18 bills last session with 16 of them passed to become eventual laws. Contrast that accomplishment with Manzella who presented 17 bills but 12 were voted down in committee.
Lastly, Manzella, on Friday, May 3, at the North Valley Pachyderm Club, was the featured speaker yet she refused to speak to the attendees! Instead, she issued an ultimatum, that unless she was allowed to video herself, she would not talk to the attendees and would leave.
She objected to the club having the rule of NO videos for meetings, the reasons for which were explained to her, yet hypocritically, she voted to ban videos for the GOP Central Committee meetings of which she is a member. Rules for thee but not for me?
After she stormed out of the meeting with her supporters trailing behind, Manzella sent out a text with selected video cuttings – from various videos – including those that had NOTHING to do with the Pachyderm’s event.
If the intent was to make herself look good and the others to look bad, she conveyed the opposite message. The abuse of videos for propaganda purposes is exactly why VP Hudson did not allow her video to be made and it certainly answered the question, to what lengths will candidates go to win.
Binkley, Bedey, and Rusk are my recommended choices for your vote for legislators in the 2025 legislature. While not mentioned here, Greg Overstreet is my recommended candidate for HD 88.
Read the article here.
by Chris Hoffman, Ravalli County Sheriff (Ret.), former Ravalli County Commissioner
Bitterroot Star, May 14, 2024
Two years ago, I felt the need to write a letter in support of Wayne Rusk in his bid for the House District 88 seat. I was completely convinced of Wayne’s ability to serve our community in the state legislature, and having watched closely during this last session, I was not disappointed. Wayne proved himself to be that level-headed man I touted him to be. He did measure his words; he thought before he spoke; and his actions proved him to be the deep man of conviction I know him to be. Wayne’s patriotism, his care and concern for his community and his state, and his understanding of our history and foundations came fully to the forefront. He is approachable and open to hear other opinions, and then make the hard decisions on his own based on careful research.
It disappoints me that Wayne and his family find him under attack again, with the same tired, outdated allegations we heard two years ago. While I am confident that citizens in Ravalli County, specifically in Senate District 44, will not be duped by this type of politics, I once again wish to voice my wholehearted support of Wayne in the upcoming primary election.
Please vote for Wayne Rusk in Senate District 44.
Read the article here.
Read the same article in the Ravalli Republic here.
Paid for by Rusk for Legislature. P.O. Box 531, Corvallis, MT 59828. Republican.