HB 865 proposed to limit local government expenditure growth. I voted against this bill because it would adversely affect the fundamental principle of federalism and the related principle of subsidiarity.
Subsumed by the principle of federalism, the principle of subsidiarity holds that political issues should be dealt with at the most immediate or local level that is consistent with their resolution.
Just like state governments can often meet the needs of its citizens better than the federal government, local governments can often meet the needs of its citizens better than the state government. That’s because the lower governments are closer to their citizens, more aware of their needs, and have more incentives to meet those needs.
By limiting expenditure growth, this bill would weaken the ability of our local governments to meet the needs of their citizens. The state should not tie the hands of our local governments in this way. It is the responsibility of the citizens of each local government to control the spending of their local government. This responsibility encourages citizen participation in government.
Paid for by Rusk for Legislature. P.O. Box 531, Corvallis, MT 59828. Republican.